By the nature of the business activities, GREENOCEAN PIPELINE is committed to respecting the binding legislation, technical standards, company standards and techniques of good practice in order to guarantee the sustainability of the company, through the means of:
• Respect for all stakeholders, including through the recognition of their universal rights;
• The achievement of high levels of COMPANY satisfaction and improvement of the performance of the management system and applicable services;
• Commitment to provide a safe and healthy working environment in order to prevent injuries and illnesses related to the work activities; the elimination of hazards and risks to health and safety, including through a continuous commitment to the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases and through consultation and participation of workers;
• The assessment of risks and opportunities, the management of environmental aspects, the prevention of any negative environmental impact;
• The timely response to anomalous or emergency situations in the field of health, safety or environmental protection, as well as the containment of the consequences of any accidents.
These guidelines are implemented through an Integrated Management System in the areas of Quality, Health, Safety and the Environment, which allows the organization to become more competitive on the international market, through the assessment of risks and opportunities and the continuous improvement of its performance. compliance with legislation and regulations, but oriented towards international business best practices.
In the same way as the policy, the objectives set by the Management System, and the methods defined for their achievement and measurement, are described within a document system and are periodically reviewed by the Company's Top Management. to verify the achievement and constant suitability for the purposes of the Company.
The functions delegated to manage this system also conduct an effective internal auditing activity, designed to highlight any shortcomings or anomalies, and report directly the results of the analyses conducted to the Company Management, acting independently of the other company functions.
In recognizing that the aspects of Quality, Health, Safety and Environment are an integral part of the business object, the Company Management, in a leadership vision, provides adequate resources for the implementation of this policy and the achievement of the objectives it is associated within all the workers of GREENOCEAN PETROELUM, made aware of their individual tasks, and their partners.


The company believes that abuse or improper use of alcohol, drugs or other related substances by its employees jeopardizes their ability to properly fulfill their work responsibilities and, at the same time, could create consequences that are harmful to themselves as well as the safety, efficiency and productivity of their co-workers and the company itself.



The Company management believes that compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements of environmental standards, are essential to lay the foundations for an effective prevention of the environment.



The CEO is firmly convinced that the application of the rules on road safety, and compliance with legal requirements and Company procedures, are fundamental to lay the basis for effective prevention. All employees (executives, managers, employees, workers) in relation to their duties and authority are required to participate actively to implement what is prescribed in the Procedures and working Instruction.

7A Chief Atako Estate, Amadi Flat, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria, West Africa.
+234(0)809 0111 187


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